We are the near the end of year and have learned many different strategies to help us in all areas of maths. 

One particularly interesting method to help you to divide big numbers can be to know the divisibility rules. 

Each group in our class investigated one and has made a video to share so that we can all learn from each other. 

My group made this one on 12’s

Watch my video carefully and answer the final question.


In Integrated we are learning about how natural and human impacts can effect our landscape. 


W.E.D  is an acronym that stands for Weathering, Erosion and Deposition. Weathering is breaking down the rock or natural parts of the earth, erosion is taking those parts away and deposition is where they end up. Think of it as weathering makes the mess, erosion helps clean it up  and deposition is were that mess ends up. Here is some of the things I found.


4T (my class) went for a walk around our school and found some examples of these. When you see cracks in the footpath it is most likely that the trees around it, their roots have grown out and weathered  the footpath. Another example is when it rains a lot the gutter can over flow and pics up dirt, grass and tan bark then it deposits it further down the rode. The more rain there is the more the roots of the trees the water runs down will show.

What are some examples of W.E.D in your local community? 

Comment Bonanza

In my school August isn’t just August it is Comment bonanza month.

At the start of August my class did a speech in assembly. I was the second last to speak. I was talking bout how 4T (my class) has won it for the last two years but not trying to brag. Comment bonanza month is all about teaching all kinds of people how to write quality comments. How to write a quality comment you have to have a beginning a middle and a end. You have to have for your middle 3 out of these things: a complement, responding to the question they ask, asking a question, making a connection or adding more information about the topic. We are still the comment champions because we WON!!!

What sites have you left comments on? 

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