Life Ed Van

“I can’t wait to see  Harold” there was a whisper  amongst all the children as they approached the Life Ed Van. All the children were excited to see Harland the giraffe again.

On Monday the 16 of August 4t visited the Life Ed Van. We were learning about cyber safety.

The first activity we did was the person teaching us held up a card with a recognisable logo and we had to stand under a sign that matched us so if we played or watched it at least once a week we stood u der the sign that said that’s so me. If we only sometimes played or what he’d it we would stand under the sign that said that’s sometimes me. If you never play it ever you stand under the sigh  that said that’s not me. After we were all under a sign that matched us for this app we talked about how it could be unsafe. 

We also  watched a video of a person who took a video of another person and then posted it. When the person the video was of looked at the comments some of them were nice but most of them were mean. That is why it is important to have someone’s permission before posting an image or video. Afterwards we got a folder with comments we had to sort through them and put the nice ones in a pile the mean ones in a pile and the ones that could be both in a pile  in between. 

At the end we saw Harold and one of my class mates kissed him. 


Do you know what cyber safety is and if you do what is it?


Times Tables Goals

This year my class has been practising times tables. We know it can be hard to  memorise things so we have been getting times table sheets and timing 3 minutes and seeing how much of the sheet we can get done.

Why we do times tables is because it can help you late r on in life and also repeated edition it can help so if it is 4+4+4+4 you now it is just 4 times 4 with equals 16. It can also help with division because division is just times tables backwards.

My goal is to get 95 out of 95 with 9 times tables. My first time I got 20/95 on my second time I got 43/95 then 76/95 then 71/95.

When do you use your knowledge of times tables during your day?

Super Science

“Wow it worked” I exclaimed as the light bulb began to shine bright.

4T was in the science lab in the… SENIOR SCHOOL. We met our teacher for the science incursion  downstairs, when we got upstairs there was some new equipment that I haven’t seen before. One of those things was a shower, the shower is used when someone might get chemicals on their uniform and they have to wash it out straight away. There is also a basin so if you get something in your eyes you can pull a lever and wash your eyes. 

One of the activities we did was really cool, we had a bunch of wires and a bulb and some other things we had to put those things together according to the sheet. When we put it together we had to get each material and clip to things onto each side of the material. The aim of the experiments was to see which materials conducted electricity so the light bulb lit up. Most materials that were metal lit up the bulb.

We also had a lot of other experiments like which materials were the strongest, which ones are shiny when polished and a lot more. We had a sheet to record all of this on and at the end we had to do a conclusion and see of our aim was successful. Our aim for all of the experiments was to see which materials are metal and which are not

Have you ever done an experiment like that and if you have how did it go and if not what experiments have you done?

Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose Your Own Adventure Title:

Mayhem At Magic School

The Pathway I Have Chosen:

To go home

My Original Plot Point:

You cycle home as fast as you can, you suddenly bolt back, hearing a loud crash and you look to  see that a tree has fallen. You start to shake and you whisper to yourself “I didn’t do that”. You can see a blur of light then it becomes clearer, you resize its… PIGGY JESUS!!! He is a nice light pink with sparkly gold wings, a light blue jumper and a rainbow coloured unicorn horn. He is telling you to go to a house and it flashes in your mind. He says it is your great aunt’s house. 

My alternative pathways 

  If you choose to go to your great aunt’s house go to page 23

If you decide to to forget what just happened go to page 15

What pathway would you choose?

Super Duper Salvos

This term for community service we have been raising money by doing chores at home. We have been earning money so we could make a blanket to give to the salvos.


The process of leading up to making the blanket is long. Here is what we have to do before we start making the blanket:we had to here from Peter about what the salvos do, we had to do chores to earn money and negotiate how much money we get. We had to hypothesise what materials to use, do experiments and decide what materials to use which we decided was Polar Fleece. We still have to do many more thing s before we are done.

Here is a popplet of what we have to do before and after we make the blanket

When Peter came to talk to us he told us about what the Salvos do, sometimes they go to some homeless people and talk to them and help them they let them take what they need so food some blankets and maybe a swag Which is like a little tent thing for one. He told us a story  of how a women came to them she didn’t have enough money to pay her rent bills because she was forced to quit her job the salvos helped her to pay her rent and she didn’t become homeless. He told us how every donation helps.

Have you ever raised money for your local community?

Stupendous Hands On Science

Today 4T had an incursion, hands on science was what it was called. We did lots and lots of different experiments testing the property’s of materials.

 My favourite experiment is written below:

Aim: to see which material is most flammable 


  •   1 piece of each material 
  • Nylon 
  • Wool
  • Dry fit
  • Cotton
  • No mex 
  • Plastic
  • Match sticks 
  • Tin foil under each material

This is some photos from when we were doing the experiments


  1. Cut out 1 even piece of each material 
  2. Light the bottom on fire 
  3. Observe how quickly or if it burns
  4. Repeat this proses for each material

What material do you think would be most flammable?

Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose Your Own Adventure Title:

Mayhem At Magic School by George Ivanoff 

If you choose to go home go to page 18

My Original Plot Point:

You cycle home as fast as you can, you suddenly bolt back, hearing a loud crash and you look to  see that a tree has fallen. You start to shake and you whisper to yourself “I didn’t do that”. You can see a blur of light then it becomes clearer, you resize its… PIGGY JESUS!!! He is a nice light pink with sparkly gold wings, a light blue jumper and a rainbow coloured unicorn horn. He is telling you to go to a house and it flashes in your mind. He says it is your great aunt’s house. 

My alternative pathways 

  If you choose to go to your great aunt’s house go to page 23

If you decide to to forget what just happened go to page 15

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