Aboriginals Life On The Goldfields

For a library task I looked into what life was like on the gold fields for aboriginals, I watched 9 videos here are the notes I took.

Indigenous artefacts were collected by the Europeans because of their supposedly savage ways (compared to Europeans.) Not all of these collectors noted down things about the artefact and some who did most got lost during the passing down of these artefacts. Because they thought there ways savage some aboriginal skulls were stolen and some were killed just so they could study phrenology, this is where you study a skull to determine how you are going to act/what you are going to be e.g. a bump on your head could mean you are a serial killer. 

Aboriginals used plants trees and animals for resources, they used a  plant called the Murnong daisy which has a small edible root that looks a bit like a sweet potato. They also used possum skin/fur to make cloaks which the women sewed, if they had a design on the skin side you would wear it skin side out but if it didn’t you would wear it fur side out. They also took the bark off trees and made them into carriers and cool amens. Wood sometimes had patterns on it to signal many things e.g. special places, boundaries and Beria, places too.  Every plant in the bush had uses e.g. medicines, resources. Men’s tree was used in ceremonies for burning, they grow a cherry like fruit that have a nut on the end, they are ripe September to December. Another plant is wattle that can stop diarrhoea for young children.

Gold and land was taken from the aboriginals but they didn’t care about gold, they actually offered their assistance to the miners to find deposits of gold which was known to the aboriginals.  They were interested in mining other precious stones like green stone which was hard and gray and could be turned edge axes which could be used and also traded. The police were considered fierce by the miners, they became unpopular in Ballarat and during the gold rush, the miners didn’t want police opposing.

Aboriginals used oka which is a clay that comes out of the ground and starts off white but with the edition of more minerals you can get red and yellow. They pit it on their bodies for ceremony’s. When they found red oka they did not know what the colour was at the time and they painted the trains with it and that’s how we got red trains.

can you add anymore facts about plants or other things aboriginals used or about  there life on the gold fields if so what are they if not can you tell me something you learnt from this?


Write quality comments

In blogging challenge week five I chose for my activity to do a screen recording about how to write a quality comment. Here it is.


You may say writing quilty comments don’t matter but it does if you want to keep the conversation going and get to know the other person or people.

What did you learn from this post if you didn’t learn anything can you add something to the topic of quality comment?

Library Reflection


Do you love reading because I do (normally). Some of my favourite genres are adventure, war books (I don’t mind if it is based on a true story or not) family and friends, comedy, fantasy (I’m reading the Harry Potter books) and also mystery. As you can tell I like a lot of genres although I do not read as much mystery as I do the other book, but I did get a new one recently it’s called “Three Times Lucky”. Have you read it?

A book that I really loved was a war book (I now that’s not a proper genre) it is called “Shadow” it is based on a true story. It is about a family who lives in Afghanistan and they are going to try and immigrate. Along the way they meet a dog and that dog goes with them and helps them through the challenges they face. I would recommend this because it is such a heart warming book I did cry but don’t let that throw you off because it is a book you all need to read!

The book chat book I read is called “The Bird The Boy And The Coffin Maker” it’s a long title but not a long book. It was a very good book (not nearly as good as “Shadow” though). The book is about a man who became a coffin maker after his family died from a deadly virus ( not the corona virus) and I am not spoiling anything it happens at the start of the book. The coffin maker finds out a boy with a very brightly coloured bird it is about how their relationship grows and how they deal with the problem they are faced with.

if your school does book chat what one are you reading/read?

Tips for grade 4

Dear Future Year 4’s, 

I hear you’re coming up to 4LX next year.  


Here’s three things that are different from year 3to year 4.

• In year 4 you get a bit more independence because you don’t have to show you teacher every step of the way. This is good because you can learn how to be more independent and do things for yourself.

•  You first go into year 4 and you get a time limit for an activity you will think that is so short I’m never going to finish but as the year goes on you will feel like the time limits are fine because you get so much done in little amounts of time.

•  In year 4 you have a different time for lunch so you have less time between recess and lunch but more time between lunch and the end of the day.


A couple of things to look forward to are:

•  Comment Bonanza month which is where you ask your family and friends to comment on you blog and then you check how many comments you have on your blog the next day. You class will have something you purposely in a jar when you get a comment and at the end of Comment Bonanza month your class counts up all the comments the class got and then you see which class got the most and then whoever does wins. 4L has won for  3 years in a row carry on the tradition.

•  Also look forward to the nativity which is where the class writes their own script of Jesus being born and the you act it out to the parents, at the nursing home and to Mrs De Paiva.
A time I laughed was when on the to swimming intensive because everyone was singing because the bus driver put the radio on.

A time I was challenged was in maths extension and we had to convert decimals, percentages and fractions into each other.

I am proud of how much I have learnt and grown. 

I always remember Mrs Lennox saying: ‘this is our class not mine.’

I hope you have a good year next year.

The Nativity

 “That was amazing,” the wise woman exclaimed after seeing the baby king, Christ the lord.

4T wrote and performed a nativity play 3 times, once to the other grade four’s and then they performed theirs to us, we also did it to the nursing home people and then to the parents and year two’s. We started the process by looking at the character traits for all of the characters. After that we got into pairs and started writing the scenes. After we agreed on everything in the scenes we started making props and thinking about costumes. Then we practised our lines at home and in class. 

A challenge for me was getting a costume because I had to be an angel  straight after being a wise woman. I overcame that problem by wearing a white dress under the robe/vest that I wore while being a wise woman and then when I was a angel I took off the robe/vest and put on a pair of wings.

Overall I really enjoyed doing the performances and practising in class. 

What would you like to be in the nativity and why?

Beneath our feet

This term in integrated (beneath our feet) we have been focusing on natural disasters. I researched and wrote my information report on bushfires. 

We ended the unit by creating dioramas to show our understanding and share them with our year two buddies, here is my diorama.

whilst creating my diorama I first found it hard to make the trees stand up and the bushes stick I but the I cover the trunk with some brown plasticine.


What type of natural disaster would you like to research the most and why?




We are the near the end of year and have learned many different strategies to help us in all areas of maths. 

One particularly interesting method to help you to divide big numbers can be to know the divisibility rules. 

Each group in our class investigated one and has made a video to share so that we can all learn from each other. 

My group made this one on 12’s

Watch my video carefully and answer the final question.


In Integrated we are learning about how natural and human impacts can effect our landscape. 


W.E.D  is an acronym that stands for Weathering, Erosion and Deposition. Weathering is breaking down the rock or natural parts of the earth, erosion is taking those parts away and deposition is where they end up. Think of it as weathering makes the mess, erosion helps clean it up  and deposition is were that mess ends up. Here is some of the things I found.


4T (my class) went for a walk around our school and found some examples of these. When you see cracks in the footpath it is most likely that the trees around it, their roots have grown out and weathered  the footpath. Another example is when it rains a lot the gutter can over flow and pics up dirt, grass and tan bark then it deposits it further down the rode. The more rain there is the more the roots of the trees the water runs down will show.

What are some examples of W.E.D in your local community? 

Comment Bonanza

In my school August isn’t just August it is Comment bonanza month.

At the start of August my class did a speech in assembly. I was the second last to speak. I was talking bout how 4T (my class) has won it for the last two years but not trying to brag. Comment bonanza month is all about teaching all kinds of people how to write quality comments. How to write a quality comment you have to have a beginning a middle and a end. You have to have for your middle 3 out of these things: a complement, responding to the question they ask, asking a question, making a connection or adding more information about the topic. We are still the comment champions because we WON!!!

What sites have you left comments on? 

CBCA Super Nonfiction Books

“And  now for the winner”, announced the teacher “SORRY DAY”! Cheers and oh’s spread across the assembly hall ( I cheered because that’s the book I voted for).

This term the junior school has been judging the CBCA books. Year 4,5 and 6 have been judging the information books. To judge them we used criteria the year 4 made and discussed, decided on and thought were important. We judge them on the illustrations: photos, drawing, paintings, maps and other types of illustrations. Another peace of criteria is the layout. To have a good layout the text has to be easy to read and there should be writing and illustrations. The last one is information, there has to be interesting things and enough but not so much like it’s an essay on every page.

I voted for Sorry Day Coral Vas’s and Dub Leffler because I thought the illustrations were really detailed and they were a very clever idea because the pictures for old times were grey and the the pictures for new times were coloured. I thought the way they did the information was really factual. They had a picture of hone of the forms and plenty information. I also thought how they linked the story’s were smart one was a child getting lost and one was a child getting taken away by force (the stolen generation).

What is your favourite nonfiction book and why?

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